Our goal is to​​ provide a healthy environment and quality inclusive education at all levels for children with special needs in education".
Our Work
Marghzar Welfare Society (MWS) for Special Children was registered with the aim to promote inclusive education and practice vocational skills where children with and without special needs and their respective families are nurtured in an engaging, inclusive, and easily accessible environment through education, therapeutic and self-sustainable programs.
MWS is currently operating two schools under its ambit Marghzar School for Special Children Mughalpura Campus”, Lahore Punjab, Pakistan and Marghzar School for Special Children PCSIR Phase III Campus”, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
Persons with Disabilities 10 times less likely to attend school with drop out rate significantly higher than their peers due to society’s stigmatization, accessibility, affordability, and lack of understanding of their unique issues and dimensions
What is Disability​
The United Nations defines disability as all persons who have long term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments, which, in interaction with various attitudinal and environmental barriers, hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.
Severity of Disability​
Disability is classified using the following categories:
Mild impairment in functioning, activity, and participation is slight or low: between five and 24%.
Moderate impairment in functioning, activity, and participation is medium: between 25 and 49%.
Severe impairment in functioning, activity, and participation is high or extreme: between 50 and 95%.
Profound total or complete impairment in functioning, activity, and participation of the individual.
Disability and Pakistan
Pakistan’s Population 2017:
Out of School Children (aged 5 14 years)
Primary School dropout rate
People with Disabilities in Pakistan
Children in Punjab with one or more
functional disability
207 Million (~220 M, 2020)
22.8 Million
31 Million
Whom do we serve?
MWS serves children with and without special needs. All children are from deserving backgrounds, i.e. from lower-income strata, where earnings are not more than PKR 20,000.
Profession of Parents
Daily Wagers / Day Labourers - 52%
Drivers - Public Transport - 14%
Factory Workers - 12%
Service Providers (Electrical, Plumbing, Gardening, etc.) - 12 %
Small Enterprise Owners (Kiryana Stores, Salons, etc.) - 5 %
House Workers - 3%
Other - 2%